About Math & Physics Tutoring

Why Online Tutoring?

Online tutoring offers a great deal of flexibility, comfort, and is 100% Covid safe.

  • All digital notes are available after class. Imagine that every note, every explanation, and every execise a teacher writes on the whiteboard are always available whenever you need it. This is exactly what I offer with my online tutoring.
  • It's easier for students to self manage. All they need is a laptop and a quiet place and they are good to go. There is also no need to be driven around to get to a tutoring location.
  • Wider range of tutoring times are available to you. As no traveling is required it allows us much greater flexibility in when we can do tutoring, also more last minute bookings are available too.

How Does Online Tutoring Work?

The tuition will be live over Google Meet, I also utilise Microsoft OneNote as an online whiteboard. Video recordings can be available through request.

The set up is simple. All the students need is: a google account and WhatsApp (or an email).

I will send my students a Google Meet link before a lesson. It can be opened on their internet browser without any additional program needed. All digital notes will be shared with the student for 24-7 access.

Key Principles of My Tutoring

Having helped many students succeed in the last 5 years, I have developed key strategies to best guide anyone to do well in Maths/Physics. Here are my key strategies:

1. Start early with the foundation:

Basics is everything. The more time we have to spend on a student's foundational understanding, the better they will do across all assessments and exams.

For any student who is planning on doing Maths/Physics throughout high school, the most vital period is the 2 years before the start of any formal assessments. For Cambridge this will be the 2 years before IGCSE/O-Level, for NCEA this will be during year 9 and 10 (form 3/4). These 2 years will make the difference between a student who is always catching up and a student who stays on top.

2. Choose the right pacing:

The biggest advantage of tutoring (over school learning) is the pacing. A tutor can teach to the pacing of the individual, while school has to teach to the pacing of the class. So less-gifted students tend to struggle as they can’t keep up, while more-gifted students are held back and lack the challenge they need.

In tutoring the pacing can be matched to your abilities. With some students a slow and incremental style with lots of exercises will work best. With others a more challenge-focused style will create deeper understanding of higher level concepts.

3. Learning real understanding, instead of memorisation:

Many schools make the mistake of teaching students to memorise how to do a question instead of actually understanding it. This way of teaching works well for students who are only aiming to pass, but is a terrible strategy for those who want to do well.

My tutoring is all about the foundational understanding of Maths/Physics.

"Maths becomes easy once you understand how to break it down."

4. Learn when to slow down:

Solving hard problems and doing well in exams is a mental game. The challenge for students is knowing when to not rush ahead and take the time to fully see the question.

A quick tip I give to my students is to put down their pen when reading a question. They need to understand and feel into a problem before figuring out how to solve it.